Apple Pie

This recipe comes from Dorothy Luiz with Jan's variations

Pie Crust Ingredients
1 c. shortening
2 c. flour
1 t. salt

Pie Crust Directions
Put some ice in a plastic bag and set it on pastry slab to chill prior to rolling out dough.

Put shortening, flour and salt in bowl and put in freezer. When flour mixture in freezer is very cold take it out and cut with knives at first - then with pastry cutter to small pea pieces/flakes.

Add icy water to make very wet dough - stirring with fork until dough swirls in bowl. Separate pie crust dough into two balls. Between folded waxed paper, gently press each ball into a flat round and put back into freezer. Use lots of flour and roll out turning dough several times.

If remains quite wet and falls apart too easily, try folding it over into quarters and mold lightly into ball and roll out again into circle. Put in pie tin and gently mold to shape of tin.

Cut dough in circle about where dough reaches from edge of pan and meets the counter. This leaves a lip about 3/4 to 1 inch. Wet edge of dough at top of tin edge. Fold dough that is hanging over to counter back in on itself over the wet edge towards the inside of pie shell. Gently mold so outer edge slightly overhangs edge of tin.

Pie Filling Ingredients
4 pippin apples peeled/sliced
3/4 c. sugar (very slightly rounded)

1 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. salt
Pie Filling Directions
Mix apples, sugar, cinnamon and salt in large bowl separating apple slices.

Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of flour in bottom of pie shell. Put apples in bottom of pie shell. GRATE 2 T. COLD BUTTER ON TOP. DO NOT FORGET!!

Roll out last 1/2 recipe of dough for top of pie. Wet edge of dough along tin rim. Put top on. Trim about 1/2 inch past existing dough edge. Fold top edge under all layers of dough and seal edges together. If you want to freeze for later use, put in freezer Ziplock. Date/label/Freeze.

Cooking Instructions
Bake frozen pie at 450 degrees for 15 minutes. Then at 350 degrees for one hour.
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